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Budget Categories

Use budget categories to classify, organize, and examine your awards and payments.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a month ago

Budget Categories allow Level 5 administrators to create expense categories for each of their grant programs. If an application is approved, the grant awards and payments will be broken down using the expense categories and amount the grantee has been approved for.

Create a Budget Category

1. To begin, navigate to More>Configurations>Budget Categories:

2. Click + Create New Budget Category. Add a Category Name (required) and an Accounting Code (if desired):

3. Click the checkmark to save the Budget Category. Continue until all budget categories are created:

Please note: Category Names cannot be deleted; they can only be deactivated. To see only Active or Inactive categories, use the selector at the end of the list:

Deactivating a category means it will no longer be in use. Existing awards will not be affected.

Assign Categories to Projects

Awards & Payments will be limited to the categories assigned in the project.

Navigate to the Projects page and open the project. Then click on the Awards & Payments tab:

In the Budget Categories section, use the dropdown arrow to select all the relevant Budget Categories for this project:

Click the Save Project button to save your selections.

Award & Payment Breakdown by Category

Awards with Categories

If the project has budget categories assigned, the award will automatically default to those categories.

In a submission that will receive an award:

1. Click +New Award:

2. Enter the Award Name. This should be a brief description or ID number that you and your grantee can use to reference this award.

3. Enter the Fund from which the award will be made and the Total Award Amount.

4. For each relevant category, add the amount. Categories not relevant for this award can remain at $0:

The category amounts must add up to the same amount as the Total Award Amount.

Awards with Payments

Payments related to awards that have been broken down by categories will require the administrator to use the same categories.

1. Click +New Payment:

2. Select to pay either the Remaining award balance or a Custom amount.

The payment amount for each category cannot exceed the total amount of the award for that category or the balance remaining for that category:

3. Select a payment status, depending on your process:

4. Enter any recipient-facing or internal memos. Click Continue.

5. Review the payment information and click Create Payment when ready:

Budget category names and codes can be modified, and budget categories can also be deactivated if they are no longer in use. Modifications to the names and codes will be reflected in all existing awards.

Existing awards will not be affected if a budget category is deactivated or removed from a project. However, new awards cannot allocate amounts using that category.

Applicant Experience

When an applicant looks at their submission details, they will see a summary of the awards and payments made for this application, as well as a budget category breakdown:

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