Submittable enables organizations to open completed Additional Forms for editing if submitters need to make any changes to an Additional Form.Β
To open an Additional Form for editing from the Submission Details page:
1. Find the submission in your Submissions List and click on the title to open the Submission Details page. Note: Submissions that have Additional Forms attached to them will show an Additional Form icon to the right of the Submission title:
Scroll to the Additional Form, click the arrow to the far left to expand the form, click Actions, and select Open Editing:
A dialog box will open. Make the appropriate selection for an email template, and fill in the email subject and message. Select the address you want the notification to come from.
Click Open for Editing and Send Response:
You can also open Additional Forms for editing with a bulk action. To do so, click on Forms in the top menu bar and select Additional Forms:
Click on the Manage Requests link for the Additional Form you would like to open for editing:
Select the completed forms you want to open for editing, click the Action button, and select Open Editing. Complete the necessary fields in the dialog box then click Open for Editing and Send Response: