Submittable gives you the ability to edit your Review Forms.
Should you choose to edit a Review Form that has already been filled out by one or more reviewers, please note that changes made will retroactively impact those reviews that were left prior to the edits. This means that if you delete a form field on your review form, those review fields will be lost on any previously completed reviews. To avoid any previous review fields from being deleted, do not delete them from your review form. Instead, you may consider editing the field as necessary, or adding instructions. Alternatively, you can export the review data prior to editing in order to maintain the data from the deleted fields outside of Submittable.
To edit your review form:
Go to Forms, then select Review Forms.
Select the form you would like to edit.
Make any edits (keeping in mind the note above regarding deleting a review form field that has already been filled out).
Save your review form. Your edits will be made available immediately and will be retroactive.