Level 4 and 5 team members can make reviews editable for all reviewers by following these steps:
1. Select the Project for which you would like reviews to be editable.
2. Click on the Review Workflow tab. If you've already added stages, select Edit Stages. If you have not yet added any stages, you can skip to step 3.
3. You will see a checkbox option to Enable Editing. Check the box to enable editing for all reviews associated with this Project.
4. After this box has been checked, reviewers will be able to edit any previously completed reviews by going to the Submission Details page for a submission they've reviewed and clicking on the pencil icon shown to the right of their name in the review column:
Once reviewers have finished editing a review, they must click the Update Review button at the end to resubmit it:
Please note: If the review form contains rating fields, any changes they make may change the previous score for that submission.
Reviewers will be able to edit reviews as many times as they wish, as long as the Enable Editing checkbox remains checked.
To relock review forms so that reviewers will no longer be able to make edits, go back to the Review Workflow tab for your Project, uncheck the Enable Editing box, then click Save Project.