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Organization Search

How to find your organization's EIN, UEI, CRA, or CRN information.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over 4 months ago


When applying on behalf of an organization, you might see an Organization Search field. If you do, the project you are applying to wants applicants to be part of a recognized charitable organization or business entity. Some projects require this information, and some will let you skip this step.

Find Your Organization

Enter the Employer Identification Number (EIN), Unique Entity ID (UEI), Canada Revenue Agency number (CRA), or Charity Commission of England and Wales number (CRN) into the field. Submittable will retrieve the organization's information from the appropriate governmental databases. You can also start typing the organization's name for results to select from.

This is the field you'll see if the project allows you to skip the question:

You might also see the following screen if you are required to apply on behalf of a registered organization:

  • If you do not know your organization's number, contact your organization administrator for assistance.

  • You can also search the fields by name.

If you previously applied on behalf of any organizations, you will be presented with those and can select the relevant organization:

Organizational Numbers

For North American applicants:

  • IRS - will use an EIN search for charitable organizations in the U.S.

  • - will use a UEI search for business entities.

  • Canada Revenue Agency - will search for charitable organizations in Canada.

For UK-based applicants:

  • Charity Commission - will search for charitable organizations in England and Wales.

Search Tips

  • When searching by name, be as specific as possible. The search may return many results. For example, searching for “United Way” will return many results, but searching for “United Way of Greenville County” will refine those results to just one or two.

  • Searching for “United Way Greenville” will return no results, as the search is looking for an exact match.

Change Your Organization

You can change your organization at any time before completing your submission.

  • At the top of the submission form, you will see the organization you are submitting on behalf of. Select Change Organization:

  • You will be returned to the Find Your Organization page.

If you need to change the organization after finishing your submission, reach out to the administrator of the project you applied to and request that your application be opened for editing.

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