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Submittable's Gallery feature is a powerful tool for presenting submissions publicly or privately.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over 10 months ago

The Gallery feature enables organizations to display submissions online in a gallery for a public or private audience to view. Gallery is a powerful tool for organizations that want to share submissions with the public, host contests that can be voted on, or display an internal gallery of submissions for your organization only. The Gallery feature is customizable and is used for displaying videos, animated GIFs, images, and other information associated with media files.

Introduction to Gallery

Setting up a Gallery

On your Projects page, click the title of the existing Project for which you'd like to enable Gallery. Click the Gallery View tab. Click On next to Enable Gallery:

Enter an optional Gallery Title. This title will appear instead of your project name at the top of the gallery.

Enter optional Gallery Guidelines. They will appear at the top of the gallery, beneath the Gallery Title.

If you would like to display the submitter's name for their submission in the gallery, check the Show Submitter Name checkbox. When this box is checked, gallery viewers can also search the public gallery entries by entering submitter names.

For the gallery feature to work, you must include at least one field from your form that accepts image or video files. The image and video file types that you can choose from are:

IMAGE files

VIDEO files















In the "What media files do you want to display?" section, select the file upload fields for which you'd like to show files in the gallery. Please note that audio files, text files, and PDFs will only appear in the gallery if the submitter has also uploaded a video or image file for a gallery-enabled file upload field. If a submission is uploaded without image files, the audio, text, or PDF files will only show as downloadable links.

If you would like to display other information from submissions in the gallery, select them in the "What other fields do you want to display?" section. Form fields that can be displayed in the gallery include:

Name Question

Number Question

Address Question

Date Question

Short Answer Question

Email Question

Long Answer Question

Website Question

Dropdown List Question

Phone Question

Single Checkbox Question

Charity Check Question

Multiple Response Question

Bank Details (US) Question

Single Response Question

All submissions for this form will be displayed in your gallery by default. To show only certain submissions, click the Display specific submissions menu and select a label of your choice. Only the submissions for this form that you label with your selected label will show in the gallery:

If any of your included form fields have been set up to generate auto labels—or if you have manually labeled submissions to your gallery—you will be able to use the setting for "What labels do you want to display?" to select which labels you'd like gallery viewers to be able to see and search. For example, if you have submissions labeled according to submitters' age range, and you select all associated labels (age 10-20, age 20-30, age 30-40), gallery viewers will see an option to filter gallery submissions according to these labels. These labels will also be publicly displayed in the gallery.

In the Sorting menu, choose the order in which you would like submissions to appear in the gallery. You can choose from oldest to newest (the default), newest to oldest, or random, which will randomly change the submission order each time a visitor visits the gallery.

Gallery Voting Options

Check the Voting checkbox to allow voting for submissions in the gallery. Visitors to your gallery can vote on submissions by clicking on a submission to view it and then clicking the Vote button. Voters may remove votes by clicking the button again. Every voter gets a maximum of one vote per submission.

When the Voting checkbox is selected, several other options will appear. These voting settings allow you to control how your public voting process will work.

  • When the Anonymous Voting box is checked, voters are not required to provide identifying information to place a vote. Every voter gets a maximum of one vote per submission.

  • For anonymous voting to work effectively, Submittable uses a third-party library (FingerprintJS) to help prevent fraud. This tool tracks IP addresses and browser information to verify an anonymous user's unique identity. As a result, clearing the browser cache or opening an incognito window will not allow users to vote more than allowed.

    In some cases, multiple voters could be using the same wireless internet IP addresses, for example, in an office or a school. In these cases, we recommend that users access the gallery via a cellular network on their mobile device, which will register a unique IP address.

  • When the Email Validation box is checked, a valid email address must be registered with Submittable for gallery viewers to vote. Submittable validates voter email addresses by sending voters an email containing a link they must click to validate their email addresses.

Here's an example of a validation email:

If a visitor has logged into Submittable using Google or Facebook, they will not receive a validation email, as those platforms have already validated the address. Please note: Only Anonymous Voting or Email Validation can be selected in your voting settings.

  • If the Limit Votes checkbox is selected, you can determine how many votes you allow viewers to make per day, week, or the entire period the gallery is available for voting. If votes are limited and voting is set to be anonymous, we track voter information by identifying web browser information. We may also check IP addresses so voters cannot vote from different web browsers.

    Note: Voters can only vote for an entire submission. It is not possible to vote for individual files within a submission.

  • If the Show Scores checkbox is selected, real-time voting scores will be revealed publicly on the gallery page.

  • If the Reset Scores box is checked, voting scores will be reset to zero daily at 12:00am. A record of each day's voting tally may be downloaded anytime by clicking on the hyperlink below the Reset Scores setting. You may also choose to reset scores manually at any time by clicking on Reset Scores Now at the bottom of the voting settings.

  • Every voter gets a maximum of one vote per submission.

Gallery Sharing and Saving

Submissions to this project will automatically appear in the Gallery. In the Share Link to Gallery section, you can customize the message that appears at the end of submission confirmation emails. This message must contain the placeholder tag [gallery-link], which will take the submitter to the page where their submission is displayed:

When you're finished making changes, click Save Form.

Viewing and Navigating the Gallery

After your Gallery has received at least one submission, it will appear on your gallery page. Go to your Gallery URL by clicking the View Gallery button in your project's Gallery tab:

You can also access your Gallery URL by going to Forms and clicking the paperclip icon next to your form name. Click the link under Direct link to the Gallery for this form:

When viewing a Gallery, click on any gallery submission to view the file(s) within it. Click on files to view or play them. If multiple files are in the submission, click the left and right < > arrow buttons to navigate between the files.

Downloading Gallery Voting Data

Once your gallery submissions have received at least one vote, you can download a CSV file containing your Gallery voting data. To do this, scroll down to the Voting section under Gallery View. Click the Download list of voters link:

You'll receive a .csv file containing your Gallery voting data, including Submission IDs, Submission Titles, and voter information.

To add Submittable's Gallery to your account, contact an account manager.

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