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How can I upload a list of options to a Dropdown List, Multiple Response, or Single Response field?
How can I upload a list of options to a Dropdown List, Multiple Response, or Single Response field?

You can use prepared .csv files to populate long lists of response choices.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a week ago

If you're creating a Multiple Response, Single Response, or Dropdown form field question that you know will have a long list of potential response choices—such as a list of states, countries, or professions—you can upload a prepared list of choices from a .csv spreadsheet. For example, if you're going to ask your submitters about their current profession, you can create a spreadsheet with a long list of options, then upload this list into a dropdown or single/multiple response field. Each field in your spreadsheet list becomes a potential selection for the submitter.

Long list files can be added to the following form fields:

Dropdown List - Creates a list of response choices that will be viewed as a dropdown when clicked. The dropdown list helps save space on your form.

Single Response - Provides a textual statement or question followed by a list of choices. A submitter can select only one of the answers provided.

Multiple Response - Provides a textual statement or question followed by a list of choices. A submitter can choose one or more of the answers provided.

Upload a List

In the form fields listed above, you are given three default options, as shown below. You can delete those with the trash icon and then click Upload a List. Select your .csv file to upload.

Here is an example of what a long list spreadsheet might look like in a spreadsheet. This is a list of professional categories:

Once the .csv file has been uploaded, the selections in the spreadsheet will populate the list:

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