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Fraud Prevention for Organizations
Fraud Prevention for Organizations

Significantly reduce your fraud risk with a Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) quiz and Identity Verification (IDV).

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a week ago

High volume and large grant amounts invite fraudulent actors. Grantmakers and governmental agencies need to ensure that their funds are being distributed to the right people—and that the people applying are who they say they are. Consider the following:

  • An estimated $100 billion in stimulus funds have gone to fraudsters.

  • Governments are receiving negative PR due to fraud, making it difficult to distribute funds to people who need them.

  • Applicants can provide illegitimate identifications.

  • Manually checking for fraud in high volumes of applications is not feasible.

To counter these negative effects, you can add the Fraud Prevention field to your Initial Form or Additional Form.

Add the Fraud Prevention Field

A level 4 or 5 team member can add the Fraud Prevention form field to an Initial Form or an Additional Form.

The Fraud Prevention field offers two effective types of verification:

Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA): This tool will ask applicants for their Personal Identifying Information (PII) which will be used to generate a quiz. We use for this service.

Identity Verification (IDV): IDV verifies a submitter's identity by using biometric analysis. The submitter will be prompted to take a photo of their ID as well as a selfie in real time. Our vendor Veriff uses facial recognition technology to verify a match between the ID and the selfie.

Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA)

After submitters enter their PII in the fields provided, will generate a personalized KBA quiz based on those answers. The KBA generates questions based on public and private data sources such as marketing data, credit reports, or transaction histories. The questions are designed so that only the individual would know the answer readily. The submitter score is provided to the organization and reasonable assumptions of identity can be drawn from those results.

Optional Form Field Settings

You can configure the optional settings at the bottom of the form field:

  • Response Required: You may choose to make this a required field.

  • Conceal Response: You may choose to conceal the KBA score and PII from certain team member levels of permission, based on the Concealed Threshold in the Project. Note: Auto Labels cannot be concealed.

  • Auto Label: You may choose to display the score as an auto label. You can select a default auto label which reflects the KBA score as a percentage, or you can customize the auto label to reflect what you choose to display (e.g., Pass/Fail). This example displays an auto label showing that the submitter passed their KBA quiz with a score of 100%:

You can also use the Additional Instructions for Submitter area to add information for the submitter that supplements the hard-coded language the submitter sees:

After a Submission is Received

When a submission is received, you can view the score of their KBA quiz:

Clicking the down arrow will reveal the submitter's responses to the PII. You will not have access to the KBA quiz questions or the answers. Submittable does not store this data.

You can report on the score and the PII in Advanced Reporting. If you've opted to use auto labels, you can filter submissions in the submission list view using those labels.


  • What if our submitters don't have Social Security Numbers? An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) can be used. If a submitter does not have an SSN or ITIN, they will not be able to complete the KBA quiz.

  • Can we use a KBA quiz in other countries? The KBA requires a US address and SSN/ITIN. Unless international submitters have this information, the KBA form of identity verification is not a good fit.

  • What if submitters can't get a quiz to generate? Certain submitters might see this error message:

In these cases, the information entered by the submitter might not be sufficient to identify them in authoritative databases. This could happen when the user types in an alias for their name and can be remediated by updating the fields with the legal first, middle and last names. Confirming the SSN and DOB helps reduce this scenario. If the user has just turned 18 or has a very low credit footprint, a quiz cannot be generated and the submitter will not be able to complete your form.

Identity Verification (IDV)

Submitters are given information about acceptable forms of identification then are taken to our third-party vendor Veriff's website. After the submitter uploads their identification and a selfie, Veriff will use biometric analysis to compare the submitter’s face to their document.

Optional Form Field Settings

You can configure the optional settings at the bottom of the form field:

  • Response Required: You may choose to make this a required field.

  • Conceal Response: You may choose to conceal Veriff's response from certain team member levels of permission, based on the Concealed Threshold in the Project. Note: Auto Labels cannot be concealed.

  • Auto Label: You may choose to display Veriff's response as a label on the submission. This example displays an auto label showing that the submitter's IDV status has been Approved:

You can also use the Additional Instructions for Submitter area to add information for the submitter that supplements the hard-coded language the submitter sees:

After a Submission is Received

When a submission is received, you can view the status of their IDV:

Clicking the down arrow will reveal the submitter's full name and the type of document used during verification. You will not have access to the uploaded identification document or selfie. Submittable does not store this data.

You can report on the status and the PII in Advanced Reporting. If you've opted to use auto labels, you can filter submissions in the submission list view using those labels.


  • What if our applicants don’t have a smartphone? A smartphone/tablet with camera or a desktop/laptop with webcam is required to use this feature.

  • Can I use Identity Verification in countries other than the United States? Yes! Veriff supports hundreds of countries worldwide.

  • How many Fraud Prevention form fields can I add to my form? As many as you like.

  • Is this feature HIPAA compliant? The Fraud Prevention field and its components are not HIPAA compliant.

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