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Getting Started as a New Submitter
Getting Started as a New Submitter

How do I use Submittable?

Jon Munger avatar
Written by Jon Munger
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to Submittable, the premier grants management solution. As a Submitter, you can find opportunities, submit applications, and receive updates on funds.

Create your account
Find an Opportunity
Submit an Application

Create your account

Before you get started, you’ll need to create a Submittable Account.

  1. Select Sign In from the main page in the upper right corner.

  2. You’ll be taken to the Sign-in Manager page. Click the Sign Up tab.

  3. Enter your email address, a password for Submittable, and your first and last name.

  4. Select Sign Up when completed.

Find an Opportunity

Once you have an account, you can search through the list of project opportunities to submit to.

Navigate to the Discover Opportunities page. You can see a list of available opportunities, ordered by how soon the deadline will expire.

1. Opportunity search bar

You can search for specific projects here, either by project name or organization name.

2. Show by tags

Tags are assigned to projects by the organizer. Click here to display all the available tags. Select a tag to limit the view to only the opportunities you are interested in.

3. Filter options

You can further refine your search with the following filters.

  • Following - Filter the view to show only the organizations you are following.

  • No Fee - Displays only the opportunities that don't require a submission fee.

  • Deadlines - Displays the opportunities that have an active deadline.

  • No Deadlines- Displays the opportunities that do not have a deadline.

  • Select Date- Sets a cut-off date for opportunity deadlines. Setting this value will only show opportunities that have a deadline before the set date.

4. Open opportunities

All of the opportunities accepting submissions are listed, sorted by deadline.

5. Submission fee

If the project requires a fee to accept a submission, the fee is displayed here.

Save an Opportunity

If you want to save an Opportunity for later, Click the Save button next to the opportunity.

You can also apply a Label to categorize your saved opportunities. For example, you can create separate labels for Poetry or Essay competitions.

Follow an Organization

Click the flag icon next to the organization name to follow all opportunities created by that organization.

Submit an application

By clicking an opportunity, a new window will open that has all of the details of the project.

When you are ready to begin your application, click Submit in the upper right of the screen.

Filling out the application

Each project you submit to will have a different set of questions. Any questions marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required, and you will not be able to finish your submission without answering them.

Save an application

If you want to save your application so you can complete it later, click the Save Draft button at the bottom of the application. You can access the saved draft from the control panel at the top of the screen.

Verify your email address

Once you have signed up for a project, you will receive an email requesting verification. This step keeps communications secure and prevents fraudulent submissions. If your email is not verified, you will not be able to submit to the project.

Note: Not all projects require email verification. If you do not see a message from the Project requesting email verification, you have either already verified your email or the project does not require it.

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