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Organization Profile

Collect information to create Organization Profiles for your applicants.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated this week


Administrators can use the Organization Profile and Organization Search features to integrate official records of charitable and business organizations into a program's records.

  • The Organization Profile displays an applicant's organization data. Applicants add an Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) to their applications.

  • The Organization Search feature prompts applicants for EIN or UEI information. Submittable then searches government databases for the correct organization and links it to the applicant.

As the program administrator, you have the option of requiring a successful Organization Search before allowing a submission. An Organization Search is considered successful if the applicant enters a valid identifier into the prompt and selects an organization.

Enable Organization Search

To gather an applicant's organization information, you must activate Organization Search in the project's general settings. Administrators with Level 3 or higher permissions can do this. Once enabled, all applicants will see the Organization Search.

In the General Settings tab of your project, select Allow organization search.

  • If you want to require a successful Organization Search before accepting an applicant's submission, select the Require applicants to select an organization option.

  • Select the Registration Criteria. This sets which database and the identifiers you will accept from the applicant.

For North American applicants:

  • IRS - will use an EIN search for charitable organizations in the U.S.

  • - will use a UEI search for business entities.

  • Canada Revenue Agency - will search for charitable organizations in Canada.

For UK-based applicants:

  • Charity Commission - will search for charitable organizations in England and Wales.

Once enabled, all applicants will see the following prompts when they begin the submission process.

For a REQUIRED Organization Search:

For an OPTIONAL Organization Search:

View Organization Profiles

  • Navigate to the submission list view. Information can also be found on the Transactions panel of the Funds page.

  • In the Organization column, click the View link. Alternatively, from the submission details page, select the View Link at the top of the Organization Profile.

The Organization Profile is arranged into six areas:

Organization Header: Displays the submitter’s organization name, organization number, and location. This organization information is gathered from the form associated with the project. Each organization's profile view must be accessed separately if you have multiple organizations associated with a project.

Submissions: Displays the status and number of all submissions associated with the organization.

  • Click the number to the right of the status to open the submission list view, which displays a filtered list of submissions with that status.

  • Click the View all submissions link to open the submission list view and a filtered list of all submissions regardless of status.

Awards & Payments: Displays all awards and payments associated with each submission.

  • Click the amount to the right of Awarded or Paid to open the Funds feature and view the transaction.

  • Click the View all awards and payments link to open the Funds feature and view all transactions associated with the submission.

Submitters: Displays all the individual submitters associated with the organization, their number of submissions, and their last login date.

  • Click on the number of submissions to the right of the submitter's name to view a filtered list of the submissions.

Organization Details: Displays data sourced using the number provided by the submitter.

Notes: Administrators can create private notes or notes for their team. Notes are internal and cannot be seen by submitting organizations.

Create a Custom Organization Field

You can create custom fields for your Organization Profiles to capture supplementary details. Custom fields will appear in all your organization profiles, yet the information you add can be unique to each organization. Custom Organization fields are text fields and have 500-character limits. They are reportable in Standard Reporting.

Users with Level 4 or higher permissions can create custom organization fields, and users with Level 3 or higher permissions can view the custom fields in their assigned submissions.

  1. Select Organizations from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  2. On the right, select +Add custom fields. The Custom Fields page will open.​

  3. Select New Custom Field. Give the custom field a title. Select the checkmark to save.

Adding Values to a Custom Field

After creating the custom field, it will be visible in all organization profiles. Initially, the field will contain no information. For instance, if we consider creating a Vendor ID field, each organization may possess a unique Vendor ID. Thus, you'll be required to manually add the relevant data into the newly established custom field:

  1. Select one of the Organizations in the organization list from the Organization view. The Organization Profile view will open.

  2. In the Custom Organization Profile section, select Manage Custom Details.

  3. Enter the value for the field, then select Save.

Editing and Managing Custom Organization Fields

You can edit, deactivate, and reactivate custom organization fields:

  • On the right side of the Organizations page, select Manage custom fields. Alternatively, select Edit Custom Fields from the Organization Details view.

  • In the open Custom Fields page, you will see the list of all the custom fields available.

You can filter the view to see only Active or Inactive custom fields or remove the filters by selecting Both.

Link and Unlink Organization Profiles

Administrators with Levels 4 and 5 permissions can link an applicant’s submission to an Organization Profile. This action may be performed even if Organization Search is deactivated in the project settings or if the applicant didn’t select an Organization Profile. Additionally, you can change the Organization Profile linked to an application.

Link Organization Profiles

  • From the Submission List view, select an Application you want to manage.

  • Select Other from the Submission List menu, then select Link to Organization Profile.

    Alternatively, you can manage the linked organization from the Submission Details view:

  • Select More from the Submission Details menu, then select Update Organization Profile.

  • In the window that opens, enter the Organization’s EIN or UEI, then select Search Organizations.

Select the correct organization from the results, then select Link to Organization Profile.

  • If the application you selected already has a linked Organization Profile, you have the option to Change Organization Profile. ​

  • Select Change Organization Profile, then enter the EIN or UEI of the organization you want to change.

Unlinking Organization Profiles

To unlink an organization from a submission:

  • Click the submission title to open the submission details.

  • Expand the Organization Profile.

  • Click Remove Link to Organization:

Only one Organization Profile link can be managed at a time; you cannot manage multiple applications at the same time.


Organization Profile data can be reported through Standard Reporting. Organization Search must be enabled for the project to see any organization profile information in reporting.

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