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What notifications should I expect from Submittable as a reviewer for an organization?
What notifications should I expect from Submittable as a reviewer for an organization?

As a team member of an organization, you can choose whether or not to receive notifications about the submissions to which you're assigned.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a month ago

Expected Notifications

As a reviewer for an organization, you'll receive notifications for the following events related to any submissions to which you've been assigned.



New submission to which you are assigned


Completion of any initial form edits (assigned submissions)


Additional form submitted (assigned submissions)


Additional form closed for editing (assigned submissions)


Reference form completion (assigned submissions)


Reference form closed for editing (assigned submissions)


Messages from submitters whose submissions you are assigned to

Reviewers will only receive notifications if they initiate contact with the submitter. All other submission-based messaging will be received by the organization's main email address.

Opting out of Email notifications

You have the choice to opt out of receiving these normal notifications. If you decide to do this at a time when you have current assignments, we recommend signing in regularly to make sure you don't miss activities that may have occurred around your submission assignments.

To opt out of receiving notifications, click on the circle with your initials in the upper right area of the page. Select Settings:

Scroll down to the EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS area and uncheck the box that says yes, I want to receive email notifications.

Note: If you do uncheck this box, you will also stop receiving notifications related to any submissions you've made as a submitter using Submittable.

Note: Even if this box is unchecked, you will still receive notifications reminding you that you have unfinished reviews to complete if an administrator from your organization sends out a reminder.

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