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Response Templates

Use Response Templates to save time when sending messages to your submitters.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over 5 months ago

Submittable lets you create custom email responses for most actions involving interactions with submitters. For example, you can create a response template to acknowledge receipt of a submission, ask a submitter to edit their work, or inform a submitter of the status of their submission using a saved Response Template.

Create a Response Template

1. Click on More>Configurations>Response Templates.

2. On the Response Templates page, click Create a response template.

3. In the Add or Edit Response Template form, enter a Template Title. The title is a name for the template, such as a Submission Decline Template. This title will not be seen by the recipient of the message.

4. Choose a Response Type. The Response Type will determine when this template will be available (i.e., only when Accepting a submission, only when Declining a submission, or Other). 

5. Enter the Template Subject. This will help you identify it. 

6. Enter the Template Body text. This is the text of the actual email message. You can use valid placeholder tags in your email:

7. Click Save Template.

Create the Template Body

When creating the text for your response email, you can use a series of placeholder tags to personalize the message. In the example below, all placeholder tags are in brackets:

Dear [SubmitterFirstName] [SubmitterLastName],

Thank you for applying for the [ProjectName] at [OrganizationName]. We appreciate your interest, but unfortunately, you do not qualify at this time.

Best regards,

Jane Smith



If the above template is chosen when declining an application submitted by Roger Rabbit for a General Grant, the email that is sent will look like this:

Dear Roger Rabbit,

Thank you for applying for the General Grant at Shamrock Institution. We appreciate your interest, but unfortunately, you do not qualify at this time.

Best regards,

Jane Smith

Shamrock Institution

Note that the submitter's name, the project's name, your organization's name, a staff person's name, and your website are all automatically filled in with the correct information when the email is sent.

Placeholder Tags

The following list shows the placeholder tags you can use in your email template:


The result displayed to the viewer


Submission title from the Submission Name Field or the submission number


First name of the submitter from their account profile


First name of the submitter from their account profile


Email address of the submitter from their account profile


First line of submitter address from their account profile


Second line of submitter address from their account profile


City/Town of submitter from their account profile


Full State/Province of submitter from their account profile


Abbreviated State/Province of submitter from their account profile


Region of submitter from their account profile


Zip code of submitter from their account profile


Country of submitter from their account profile


Submitting organization's legal name


Submitting organization's DBA name


Submitting organization's first line of address


Submitting organization's second line of address


Submitting organization's city


Submitting organization's state/province


Submitting organization's zip code


Submitting organization's country


Submitting organization's government ID number


Name of the project


Project start date from the project's settings


Project end date from the project's settings


Status of submission


Globally unique identifier from submission


First name of the currently logged-in team member initiating the message


Last name of the currently logged-in team member initiating the message


Organization name from account public profile


Website URL from account public profile


Direct link to the current submission in the submitter's account


Direct link to the login page


Unique identifier of submission


Amount of submitter's most recently awarded Funds transaction

Custom Placeholder Tags

To create custom tags that include field information from submissions, see this article.

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