How does the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affect Submittable users?
Form Collaboration for Submitters
Why do I see two download options for a submission?
How do I use the Note tab on my submissions? How are Notes different than Messages?
Where is my Additional Form?
How do I check the status of my application?
How do I resend or change a reference request?
What does my submission status mean?
How can I view a submission that I've made?
How can I edit my submission?
How can I withdraw my submission?
How can I view a report of my paid submission fees?
How can I remove submissions from my personal submissions list?
I've submitted a form with a reference request. How can I see if it has been received?
Can organizations see my submission list?
How do I remove or delete a submission I've made?
How can I download a copy of my submission?
View Awards and Payments
Manage My Submissions
Manage My Request Forms
Manage My Draft Submissions
Edit Submission Responses
Transfer Submission Ownership for Submitters