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How can I automatically collect submitter contact information?
How can I automatically collect submitter contact information?

The Require Address feature enables organizations to collect submitters' contact information without having to ask for it within a form.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a year ago

Many organizations want to collect contact information from their submitters without having to ask for it in each form. Submittable enables organizations to do this with the Require Address feature. When the Require Address feature is turned on, submitters are required to enter their street address (and optionally enter their phone number) when they begin a submission. To turn on this feature, follow these steps:

1. Under the More dropdown menu, select Account.

2. In the Profile section, scroll down to the Require Address checkbox. If you would like to collect submitters' contact information automatically, check this box. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

3. Every submitter's address information will now be included in any submission exports you make. Additionally, you can view address information by clicking the Info button in the upper right area of the submission's details page:

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