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How can I conceal certain applicant information from reviewers?
How can I conceal certain applicant information from reviewers?

Use the Conceal Response feature to reduce bias and hide personal applicant information from reviewers.

Pam English avatar
Written by Pam English
Updated over a year ago

The Conceal Response feature allows administrators to keep specific information in submissions hidden from specific team members. For example, in a photo contest, administrators may choose to hide any identifying information about the submitters so that reviewers will only see and judge the photographs.

By default, the submitter’s name, email address, cover letter, and SSN/ITIN information will be hidden from reviewers at or below the team member level specified by an administrator. Administrators can also designate specific form fields for concealed review when building forms.

To Set Up a Concealed Review Process:

1. Select Forms and open the form where you'd like to conceal certain information.

2. Click on the form field to show the Field Options at the bottom. All fields except the Submission Name field have a Conceal Response checkbox. Selecting this will make the information submitted in that field hidden from reviewers at or below your specified concealed threshold.

3. Next, open the Project that's using the form you're setting up for concealed review. Click the Notifications tab, then click the Concealed Threshold dropdown to select a concealed level. Team members at or below this threshold will not see the submitter’s name, email address, or any fields you have marked Conceal Response in Step 2.

For example, if you select Level 2, then all Level 2 and Level 1 reviewers will be unable to see the submitter's name, email address, or the content of the fields you marked as Conceal Response.

Administrators also have the option to completely hide concealed fields instead of showing the query with [Concealed} as the response. To do this, check the Exclude Concealed Questions box under the Concealed Threshold section:

4. Click Save Project to save your changes.

  • When a submission is set up for concealed reviews, reviewers at or below the concealed threshold will see [Concealed] under the submitter name column in the Submissions List.

  • When viewing the submission from the Submission Details page, any concealed responses will show as [Concealed] instead of showing the submitter's response:

  • If you are using the Require Address feature, submitter mailing addresses will also be hidden by default from any concealed-level reviewers.

  • When a submission is in a terminal status of Accepted, Declined, Completed, or Withdrawn, all concealed settings are removed, and submitter information will be visible to all team members.

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