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Help for Applicants

Are you applying to a program on Submittable? This hub is full of articles designed for you.
How can I take a screenshot?
What is Identity Verification (IDV)?
What is Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA)?
Update My Profile
I received a request to collaborate on Submittable. What's next? (FAQs)
What notifications should I expect to receive from Submittable as a submitter?
I received a reference request. What's next? (FAQs)
I can't find my submissions in my account. Where did they go?
What are External Submissions?
How can I withdraw one of my pieces from a multi-piece submission?
How can I delete my Submittable account?
Can I have a refund for my submission fee?
How can I stop using Google to sign in?
Why do I need a Submittable account to make a submission?
Who can see my submissions list?
How can I return to a saved draft?
Why do I need to create a Submittable account in order to vote in a public contest?
How can I check on the status of my reference request?
How can I merge my Submittable accounts if I have more than one?
Why is there a charge from Submittable on my credit card?
How can I send a message to an organization?
How can I stop using Facebook to sign in?
Unsupported Browser Error
Changing Your Password & FAQs
Getting Started as a New Submitter
How do I use my mobile device to upload files to an application I'm submitting?
How can I pay for my submission?
File Upload Troubleshooting
How can I submit?
I want to make a submission. What should I know? (FAQ)
I just submitted. What’s next? (FAQ)
Trouble submitting a Word for Mac document
Product Demo for Submitters
How can I update, add, or remove a credit card in my user account?
Inviting Collaborators on Submissions and Additional Forms
Organization Search
Grant Form Autofill Extension
Use the Smart Import Field
How to use Submittable (for applicants)
How does the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affect Submittable users?
Form Collaboration for Submitters
Why do I see two download options for a submission?
How do I use the Note tab on my submissions? How are Notes different than Messages?
Where is my Additional Form?
How do I check the status of my application?
How do I resend or change a reference request?
What does my submission status mean?
How can I view a submission that I've made?
How can I edit my submission?
How can I withdraw my submission?
How can I view a report of my paid submission fees?
How can I remove submissions from my personal submissions list?
I've submitted a form with a reference request. How can I see if it has been received?
Can organizations see my submission list?
How do I remove or delete a submission I've made?
How can I download a copy of my submission?
View Awards and Payments
Manage My Submissions
Manage My Request Forms
Manage My Draft Submissions
Edit Submission Responses
Transfer Submission Ownership for Submitters